Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our Trip to McDonald's. 2

We took about an eight minute walked to what most call, a cheap and tasty bite at McDonald's. As we finally reached the fast food restaurant's heavy glass doors, my roommate pulled one open and waited for me to walked through it. As I stepped in the first thing I noticed was the unpleasant cold smelly air that hit my face. It smelled like old over burnt grease, it reminded me why I don't eat fast food. As my roommate got in line I took a look around and noticed the variety of people at the place. A little boy at the beverage bar getting a quick refill. Teenagers overcrowded at a table laughing and eating their buggers as if they have never ate before. A couple of families scattered around the location chatting and enjoying their meal. As the line moved up I noticed where the horrible smell was coming from, two large deep fryers on the other side of the counter. The oil was bubbling and it had reached such a dark color, it didn't even look like oil anymore. Finally just two people ahead of us so we can place our order. I asked my roommate if he knew what he was having. He said he was not yet sure. He explained he was still unsure if he should go with a number 1 and a shake or with a number 10 as a meal. I had to take a look at the colorful menu to find out he was talking about a big mac or an order of chicken nuggets with a soda and some fries. It was finally our turn, a young lady smiles at us and says hi, can I have your order?. My roommate quickly blurs out yes, can I have a number 1 just the sandwich and a large chocolate shake. She asked if that was all, she repeats the order and after the order was paid for she hands over a receipt. We step a side and wait for the other to be out. As we wait by the beverage bar I noticed that the little boy is once again refilling his cup, this time he looks confused about what it is he wants to drink this time. He glanced over at me I smile he smiled back, and I hear a young man yelling order 251. My roommate yells back "its me", he grabs the paper bag and his large cup and we take off for our walk back home. I was happy to smell the fresh hot air from outside after being at that stinky McDonald's.

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