For my independent project I would be talking about the development of the great McDonald’s restaurants, and how it became what it has come to be today. Each week for the rest of the semester I will be giving you something new that McDonald’s developed through the course of the years.
For this first post, I will begin with the names of the founders of this “great success”. Maurice “Mac” and Richard “Dick” McDonald, also known as the McDonald brothers, soon after finishing high school left their home town New Hampshire and headed off to California. There they started of their first business, a small movie theater. This project did not go well and four years later, 1940 they opened up a McDonald’s Bar-B- Que restaurant on Fourteenth and E streets in San Bernardino, California. Within 5 years they were one of the richest families in the area. Between the two the two they were making more than $100,000 every year. In 1954 the McDonald brothers turned over the franchising rights of McDonald’s to Ray Kroc, paying .5% of the gross income McDonald’s was completely paid off by Ray Kroc by 1961. The McDonald brother soon sold their properties in California and moved back to New Hampshire.
1955 Ray Kroc opened his very first McDonald’s in Des Plaines, Illinois. Ray Kroc believed that advertising was something that would pay off in the long run and by 1962 McDonald’s introduced their now world known Golden Arches logo.
This year in Denver, Colorado becomes the home of the first McDonald’s with inside seating. A year later with the company’s billionth hamburger sold, the red haired clown known as Ronald McDonald’s was introduce. By 1964 the great Filet-o-Fish sandwich was introduced and by 1965 McDonald’s corporation went public.
Come read more facts about the McDonald’s development next week and see what else you didn’t know about this well known company.